Green Onyx Sphere Holder

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  • Regular price $8.00

Green Onyx Sphere Holder  (stand only)

approx. size 5cm diameter

Green Onyx is often mistaken for Emerald and Jade but differs in formation and structure. It is formed through the layering of Chalcedony and Quartz in a cryptocrystalline formation, whereas Emerald for example, is a Beryl formation. This stone has a hardness of 6.5-7, similarly to most other forms of Onyx. The colour of Green Onyx is a rich, deep green and it is primarily found in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, and USA.

The size of the spheres used in the pictures are:

Septarian Sphere - 4.5cm

Pink Tourmalinated Quartz Sphere - 8.2cm

Merlinite Sphere - 5cm

This stand would also be suitable to hold your crystal eggs.