Bumble Bee Jasper Obelisk #469

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  • Regular price $55.00

Bumble Bee Jasper Obelisk #469  

approx. size 9cm height x 2.5cm x 2.5cm base

Bumble Bee Jasper activates the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, enabling you to accept change, find new opportunities, increase your self-esteem and make decisions without relying on emotions. It reminds you that the possibilities are limitless because the only limits are the ones you put on yourself.

Bumble Bee Jasper is formed from a sedimentary rock combination that contains sulfur, manganese oxide, realgar and orpiment (arsenic-sulfide minerals), and calcium carbonate. This makeup is different from most Jasper and so it is not a “true” Jasper and some say it is more of an Agate.

Bumble bee jasper is a very rare crystal comprised of gypsum, sulfur and hematite. It is difficult and dangerous to acquire because the mine is located inside an active volcano in Indonesia.