Money Spell Candle - Lyllith Dragonheart

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  • Regular price $25.00

Money Spell Candle - Lyllith Dragonheart 

Money Drawing Candles are designed to burn to increase financial wealth and to reduce financial burdens and stress. Of course money won't always just fall in your lap but this candle will definitely help draw money to you.

 Our Money Spell Candles are made with pure patchouli essential oil, coloured green and have a sprinkling of our money incense blend on the tops. A real 5c coin is also added to the front not only for decoration but also to be used as part of your money spell. Every ingredient is chosen for it's spiritual and magickal properties for money, wealth and abundance. 

 Each spell candle is charmed and blessed throughout the process, from blessing the ingredients, charming as mixed and poured and then again once finished off with decoration.