Blue Agate Tumble Stones

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Blue Agate Tumble Stone
Tumble stone sizes generally range from 1 - 3 cm.

Spiritual Healing: 
Blue Agate will assist people in reaching higher spiritual spaces and inner attunement. Meditate with it, visualising yourself speaking calmly and peacefully. 

Mind Healing: 
Blue Agate is calming to the mind and helps sooth emotions. Blue Lace Agate encourages communication, patience, and kindness. 

Physical Healing: 
Blue Agate helps to remove blockages from the nervous system & capillaries. Blue Lace Agate can ease a sore throat and take away the hoarseness associated with your voice. It also helps to ease tension associated with headaches.
Blue Agate is associated with the Throat Chakra Points. Blue Lace Agate will help in opening the Throat Chakra on many levels of commun
ication. Once the throat chakra is open for communication, you may find that other blue and blue-green stones will be helpful for other levels of conversation.