Clear Quartz Chakra Wand

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  • Regular price $43.00

Clear Quartz Chakra Wand 
approx. size 8.5 cm long

Although they have the word 'clear' in their name, they range from crystal clear stone through to milky or cloudy, almost opaque crystals.

Clear Quartz is the most popular and versatile healing stone of all the crystals.

It is the most powerful healing stone thought to be able to work on any condition.  It is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention.  It is said to protects against negativity, connecting you to your higher self. It also is said to relieve pain if placed on the area of discomfort (make sure you are using a clean piece or leave it in salt water for a few hours before rinsing and using it ).

It has been seen, and felt, to strengthen the auric field, good to use if you spending time in negative environments as it holds your energy in, and others energy out.

Clear Quartz holds information, and is very effective to use when it has been programmed for a specific purpose.  It’s often used to activate, clear and align all of the chakras.

 It is said to be a good Crystal for Fibromyalgia  as it heals with the pain and soothes nerves.

Clear Quartz absorbs energies very efficiently and easily, so make sure you clean these stones on a regular basis to keep them happy.