Dragon Stone (Australian) Smooth Stone
approx. size 4cm x 3cm
Dragon Stone is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to "dissolve" sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness. Dragon Stone tends to bring more of what one already has. It can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. When used consciously and programmed to enhance specific desired outcomes. It will do this to the positive or the negative that you attune to the stone. It can be a very powerful stone. It enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power.
Dragon Stone is said to be a stone of increase. It therefore has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is believed to be a powerful healing stone by itself or as an inclusion in quartz or other stones; it is thought to increase their healing virtues.
Medicinally, dragon stone is thought to stimulate the immune system and improve overall physical well being, thereby strengthening over-all health. Some feel dragon stone can be used as a digestive aid, especially for those who have a hard time assimilating food intake and to help heal intestinal blockages due to nervous disorders affecting the stomach. Dragon stone is also believed to help with regeneration and recovery following illness, exhaustion due to stress, and past trauma.