Red 7 Day Candle (7 Knob Candles)

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  • Regular price $10.00

Red 7 Day Candle (7 Knob Candles) 
approx. size - 4cm x 18cm

7 Day Candles (Seven Knob candles) are used to make wishes come true. Carve a wish on each of the seven knobs, and anoint each knob with oil. Burn one knob every day for seven days. You may burn a knob for each wish, or a knob a day. Carve a brief word or symbol associated with your wish into each knob. Anoint the candle with the oil associated with your wish and burn your candle.

  • Red - used for courage, health, sexual love, power, war, root chakra issues, lust, sense of stability, improve relation to the world, passion.