Scenic Quartz Teardrop Cabochon #313

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  • Regular price $40.00

Scenic Quartz Teardrop Cabochon #313  

approx size 3cm length x 2cm width x 1.3cm depth

Lodolite is a kind of inclusion quartz, which has varying colours and form inclusions. These particular inclusions frequently look like gardens, landscapes, and underwater scenes. Lodolite is also called the lodolite, lodelite, and inclusion quartz,  it is sometimes known as the scenic quartz, garden quartz, and the landscape quartz as well.

As stated above, the inclusions on this stone commonly comprise of feldspar, chlorite, and hematite, among others, which give varying coloured inclusions. These specific inclusions may be orange, red, cream, or green in colour. They also have a healing vibration, which is also overblown by the clear quartz.

In addition, lodolite has an amazing healing vibration –the brilliant qualities of this stone and the extra vibrations of the inclusions. Also, the clear quartz may amplify the vibration of the inclusions in this gem. It may also aid in the emotional healing through the release of past-life trauma or the early childhood memories, which might have caused the stress of fear. Meditating with the lodolite may bring a soothing guidance from the spirit guides.

Lodolite is also believed to be the stone of power and may help in amplifying any intention or energy. It is also called the master healer –and with its inclusions –this kind of quartz has a great healing capacities.