Blue, Yellow, Purple Aura Quartz Cluster #35

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Blue, Yellow, Purple Aura Quartz Cluster #35  

approx. size 8.4cm x 5.8cm x 4.1cm depth

130 grams

Blue Aura Quartz cleanses the aura, activates & enhances other crystals, clears negativity. It is a  high vibration stone, good for channeling, meditation, clairvoyance and very powerful in energy healing. Blue Aura Quartz also attracts money.

Yellow Aura Quartz also known as Sunshine Aura Quartz. The high energy of this sunshine yellow coloured Aura Quartz helps to raise one's vibrational energy so that one has a joy-filled view of the world and can radiate joy whatever situation one finds oneself in. 

Purple Aura Quartz can be used to bring about feelings of spiritual wholeness, to instill happiness and joy, and to enhance meditative states & practices. These crystals are uplifting to the spirit and promote natural joy, hope, and optimism.