Aura Smokey Quartz DT #355

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  • Regular price $10.00

Aura Smokey Quartz DT #355   

approx. size 5.8cm L x 2.2cm x 2.1cm

Smokey Quartz has always been known as one of the strongest and most effective tools for dissolving and transmuting negative energies. Not only will it protect one's aura and body from negative vibrations, but also change those existing negative energies into something more positive. For example, Smokey Quartz can help one break bad habits and patterns by showing your true inner strength. This self-revelation can show you how much self-control you actually possess. There will be times in our lives where we will have to face adversity and not cower in the face of distress. Smokey Quartz can help you manifest that specific power needed to tackle those challenges. 

Aura Quartz crystals provide a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and are soothing and healing to the aura. They are exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, old wounds, and long-held doubts about one’s self-worth. Attuned to loving energies of the Universe, they help one see and connect to the beauty that surrounds us all. These crystals are uplifting to the spirit and promote natural joy, hope and optimism.