Tiffany Stone Tumble Stones

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  • Regular price $5.00

Tumble stone sizes generally range from 1 - 3cm

Tiffany Stone Tumble Stone 

Tiffany Stone is a crystal with a sweet high vibration, that is helpful in a number of areas, particularly to aid you to develop your psychic abilities.

By releasing blockages it is known to enhance and boost your sex life, which is why it also has another name Purple Passion!

Tiffany Stone aka Bertrandite

You may find that when you first hold it, that it has a somewhat subtle vibration, that becomes more obvious after you have sat and made a connection with its energy.

It is also known as Bertrandite, and has an excellent healing action in the body. It connects to the heart and the higher heart or thymus chakra, bringing through beautiful loving feelings.

Within the throat chakra it has an action that may help to aid communication, both in everyday and psychic communication.