Charoite Donut Pendant - 3cm

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Charoite Donut Pendant - 3cm  (donut only)

approx. size 3cm diameter 

approx. size centre hole 5mm

Charoite is an incredible stone of the Violet Ray with an almost tangible movement of energy flowing in magnificent swirls and eddies of violet, lavender and purple. It is rare and complex, one of nature’s best dream stones and illuminators, allowing access to lessons learned in past lives, healing emotional fears to live in the present, and opening to spiritual guidance for the future.

Charoite generally strengthens the body, grounding high frequency energy into the physical system transmuting illness and disease into wellness. It assists in overcoming exhaustion, and stimulates and regulates blood pressure and pulse rate.

Charoite is soothing to the nerves, and is thought to calm those with ADHD, autism and Asperger’s syndrome. It overcomes insomnia, promoting a deep sleep, and assists those with sleep problems, including sleepwalking and talking during sleep.

Charoite is a stone for overcoming and releasing fear and negativity. It allows one to recognise and examine the cause of unconscious fears, as well as deeply rooted, internalized negativity, and to discriminate between what is real and what the mind has created. Its cleansing energy aligns the heart and intellect and allows one to see oneself, and others, through a spirit of unconditional love and acceptance. It encourages flexibility and “letting go” of negative vibrations, and inspires one to move forward in relationships and in viewing the world.

Charoite is also beneficial in putting things into perspective and overcoming resistance to change. It helps battle compulsions and obsessions, and tempers frustration and worry. By bringing about a more relaxed attitude, Charoite assists one in accepting moments as they occur and seeing the good in all situations