Jet Tumble Stones - Large

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Jet Tumble Stones - Large  

Sizes vary from @ 3cm - 4cm

Jet, sometimes known a Lignite, is a very strong stone used for protection and grounding. Its origin is organic, having been created through decaying wood under extreme pressure. It has been used in history as far back as 10,000 B.C. with a carving of a larva discovered near the Venuses of Petersfel. The finest specimens are found on England’s northeast coast, and The Roman Empire used to import it from York. The Romans believed it would protect them from evil entities, especially the “Evil Eye”.

Jet has been used by people mourning for centuries. It works very well in drawing out the negative energies around your aura that is affecting how you think and feel. Jet acts as a purifier attempting to draw and dispel any unwanted energy, and will allow positive energy to flow within.

Mother Earth’s energy is abundant in Jet and is a must-have for someone who is in need of assistance with grounding. It is a stone that roots you down to earth while assisting in balancing and protecting.  Ajoite pairs very well with Jet and is a strengthener of the emotional spirit. This high vibrational stone also works very well with Moldavite , becoming an enhancer of the transformation process, and keeping the user from “floating” away. Jet will act as a transmuter to lead the user achieving the highest level in one's transformation process without the negative obstacles in the way.

Part of the lore behind Jet is it being considered a stone of luck. For centuries it was said to bring luck to anyone who would carry it on themselves and became a well-known gift. Jet can easily be carved and has been done so for thousands of years.

As stated earlier, Jet is known for its purity and high vibrations. It can be used to purify and clean other stones by simply placing them in a bowl together and leaving them for a short while.