Smokey Quartz Donut Pendant - 3cm

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Smokey Quartz Donut Pendant - 3cm  (donut only)

approx. size 3cm diameter 

approx. size middle hole 6mm


Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.

An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smokey Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Keep one in a purse, a bag in the glove box or near valuables, especially if left unattended for long periods of time. As a driving crystal, Smokey Quartz protects against road rage and other harm while driving on motorways, on long journeys or in heavy traffic by reducing stress and increasing concentration. It also shields against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.

Wear or carry Smokey Quartz to enhance survival instincts, and for assistance in reaching personal and business goals, as well as manifesting dreams and ideas into reality. This crystal promotes rational, pragmatic thought processes and improves calculation and organization. It increases focus and may be used in group situations to alleviate communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation.

Smokey Quartz is a remarkable aid for quitting smoking, gradually reducing the urge to smoke, as well as softening the anger and agitation associated with nicotine withdrawal and the detoxification process