Sterling Silver Auralite 23 Pendant #486

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  • Regular price $120.00

Sterling Silver Auralite 23 Pendant #486  (pendant only)

approx. size 3cm H (including bail) x 1.5cm W x .5cm D

Auralite 23 is an incredibly rare and powerful crystal.

Around 1.2 billion years ago, oxygen started to appear in the atmosphere and the development of multicellular species began.

During that time, it is believed that a collision of meteorites struck amethyst deposits on Earth which allowed the Auralite 23 begin to form.

Not only is this crystal very ancient but it is also extremely rare.

To this date, there is only one region in the world where it can be found and that is deep in the Boreal forests 800 km North of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

It is an exceptionally old crystal that dates back to 1.2 - 2 Billion years ago while at the same time being one of the youngest crystals as it has only been discovered in 2011.

The Canadian Amethyst is composed of 35 elements from Mendeleev's periodic table of elements. It is a variety of quartz and is considered an Amethyst but with inclusions.

Auralite 23 stone is, in fact, composed of a mixture of amethysts and 17 of a possible 23 minerals such as Titanite, Cacoxene, Lepidocrite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite, Rutile.

Auralite 23 is one of the most powerful crystals on this planet. It holds an incredibly high vibration mainly due to all the energies that it holds from the earth (and non-earth) elements and minerals it holds in its core.

Auralite Super 23 is an exceedingly peaceful stone and teaches us how to recognise peace and serenity within our hectic daily lives.  It helps to remove the stress of everyday life and replaces it with calm and peace in a gentle yet powerful way.  Due to these stones relaxing and spiritual properties, it can be a good support during meditation, astral travel, past life regression, and to assist you with connecting with spirit and spirit guides in order to help you and for the good of others.   Auralite assists in spiritual growth and connecting to your higher self and higher beings.  Auralite teaches us a greater understanding of the Law of Attraction, allowing us to recognise beneficial and positive opportunities that are presented to us.  

It is a great protection stone and helps to ward away negativity and replace it with a positive vibration and helps us see through any disillusion and recognise the truth in a matter.  Calms anger and helps to cool tempers, teaches us to slow down and think before we speak.  It helps to remove prejudices and judgmental behaviour.