Yellow Jade Owl #16

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Yellow Jade Owl #15 
approx. size 5cm height x 2.9cm width x 2cm depth.

Yellow Jade is associated with Fire Energy, which is oriented to identity, ego, and self-definition. Its yellow color will instill optimism, enthusiasm, wisdom, and intellect.

It’s aligned with the Sun and the planet Mars, and it will encourage you to harness your personal power and achieve a sense of fulfillment.

Yellow Jade will bring energies of self-confidence, courage, and abundance. It will impart wisdom in silence and tranquility, and it will dispel harm and negativity.

This stone will also attract good luck and good fortune, and it will enable self-sufficiency. It will help you release your emotions in a healthy manner.

When used as a dream stone, it will help you release your thoughts and emotions as dreams and help you process them when you awake.

It’s also a stone that will bring joy and happiness and show you how you can be connected to all living beings.

Yellow Jade also has plenty of spiritual symbolism. It will promote emotional stability, and it will bring balance and harmony to loving relationships.

If you want to enhance the good luck in your life, you should always carry a piece of Yellow Jade with you. It will also surround you with protective energies and promote long life.

When used close to the body, Yellow Jade will give protection from people who wish you harm, and it will protect you during long journeys.

It will also attract good luck and help you control your focus and dream content.